This technology in Kinesiology class is really opening my eyes up to a variety of tools that I may be able to use in the classroom setting.  I am having a blast learning so far.  When I began I this class my social media experience was limited to Facebook.  I did not realize all of the other powerful tools that were out there.  Flickr is one that I have had a lot of fun with so far.  I have always enjoyed the viewing of photos on Facebook, but the problem is they are never all in one easy to find place and you can only look at images of your friends.  I have enjoyed flickr because I am finding photos of things from across the country and getting to see images that are interesting and fun to me.  I cannot wait to continue with flickr and find even more images that will continue to keep me entertained and informed with events that are going on across the country.  

10/31/2012 01:50:42 pm

I'm right there with you with all these different tools. I've heard of most all that we're now using, but hadn't signed up for some like twitter or flicker. I have to say, I am becoming a fan of twitter. I love finding new quotes to inspire or motivate myself or my students. I've followed a few quote sites on twitter and have passed on several quotes already.


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