I have had the opportunity to create and build both a personal web presence (PWP) and a LinkedIn profile.  I think that there is pro's and con's to both types of web presences.  I really like the idea of a PWP just because it is more personal.  I feel that the individual building the PWP can really show potential employers and other professionals just who they really are.  The cons is that it take much more time to build a personal website versus something like LinkedIn and there is also a learning curve in building a website.  I also used LInkedIn which I really liked.  I was able to connect with many more professionals than I potentially can with a personal website. The one thing that I do not like about LinkedIn is that you cannot really personalize it (from what I was able to find).  Also they are in the business of making money, so I was getting ads recommendations of companies that I really do not need to be linked to.  I think that both are great in getting an individuals name out there, and I think ultimately it comes down to personal preference and computing abilitie

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