After reviewing several statistical analysis tools I came to one conclusion... I still hate statistics.  I had a really hard time looking around at the tools because I do not understand statistics at all and freak at the site of having to work on statistical analysis.  I do believe, though, that many of the tools that are available would be a great help if I could figure out what everything meant.  When I started looking at the tools I began having anxiety because I just do not understand enough statistics to really be able to navigate around.  I think the ideal situation for myself is to do what many athletic trainer I know that have done some sort of research that required statistical analysis and that is give the statistics to someone that knows what they are doing.  Statistical analysis is something that I am interested in, but I have not been able to ever gain a good grasp on it.  I guess it may be time to take some more classes and gain a better understanding of them. 

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